Welcome! I’m Matt, the lead pastor at Beachside.
At Beachside, we love Jesus and we love one another, because we believe that’s what church is all about; a community learning to love God and neighbour better, and doing it together.

We believe the good news that Jesus has shown us the face of God, and so we not only rejoice and love him, and also do our best to faithfully follow in his way. We believe that this simple act of loving and following him together will change the world! God’s love is a dynamic, living force that flows through his people, and we are a church on a mission to share that love in every way that we can.
The word which most naturally floats around in our conversations is “family”. We are not big on slick productions or impressive programs, but on growing in love and true goodness (however much we might stumble along the way.)
So, you could simply say that we are a family church, and a missional church.
In terms of mission, we have a big focus on both our local community and overseas mission, and partner with mission works in PNG, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu, Philippines and beyond, in the global mission to share the incredible love of God, which he has made known to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
We also have a passion for helping kids to grow up with an experience of the love and wisdom of God from the youngest age. We have a much-loved Sunday kids program, a Wednesday afternoon dance school and a Friday night youth group, which all serve our young ones. All are welcome at any or all of these, whether you regularly attend Beachside or not. You can learn more about these kids activities on our homepage.
We would so love to meet you! Come for a Sunday service (details here) and stay for a cuppa and a chat. If you’d like to meet with me personally, leave an email and I’ll be in touch.
All blessings on you and your home, wherever you are and wherever you’ve been.
— Matt